



RFK: A Memoir (Nation Books)

RFK: A Memoir (Nation Books)

Robert F. Kennedy: A Spiritual Biography (Lives and Legacies)

Robert F. Kennedy: A Spiritual Biography (Lives and Legacies)


 とりあえず、今読んでいるのが、前に触れた半分ジャケ買いIn His Own Right







Kennedy had always been relentless in pursuit of his brother's policies and his brother's enemies. Now, he would be just as relentless in carving out a constituency of his own to the left of Lyndon Johnson, drawn from the dissatisfied, the poor, the young, blacks, Indians and the migrant workers of California.

CESAR CHAVEZ, National Farm Workers Association: We were like the forgotten. No one identified with us of any consequence. And then, of course, after he did that, a lot of people began to identify, which is what happens, you know.

DOLORES HUERTA, National Farm Workers Association: He was very sincere, very intense, you know, made everything seem very personal to him. He went right out into the fields, talked to the workers, you know, right out to where they were working, where they were picketing. The workers just really loved him.

CESAR CHAVEZ: And then, he went from our headquarters to the hearings, so he wasn't hiding the fact that he was pro-farm worker.

GEORGE REEDY: Bobby was intense. When he focused on something, it was almost like a laser beam. You could almost feel it cutting your skin.


GEORGE REEDY: There was no real give to him. Bobby lived in a heaven-and-hell world. You were either on the side of God or you were on the side of Mephistopheles.

NARRATOR: More and more, Robert Kennedy found himself listening to advocates for the disadvantaged. Marian Wright was a lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

MARIAN WRIGHT EDELMAN, NAACP: I wanted him to see the suffering and I wanted him to see the hunger. I mean, it was very hard to get people to understand that people were literally starving in Mississippi at that time, that there were people with no income.

NARRATOR: Robert Kennedy went down to the Mississippi Delta with Marian Wright. As usual, the press followed, in force.

Sen. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY): What'd you have for lunch?
BOY: We ain't had lunch yet.
Sen. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY): You haven't had lunch yet?
BOY: No.

MARIAN WRIGHT EDELMAN: He walked in and saw, in a dark back room, a child that was obviously malnourished, with a bloated stomach, that was not very responsive, that was-- and he stooped down and began to try to get the child to respond-- touching and feeling and talking to the child. The child did not respond. He was obviously deeply moved and deeply outraged and conveyed that when he walked back out again into the light of the day and the light of the cameras.

REPORTER: Senator, what do you make of the problem of poverty in this, our poorest state?

Sen. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY): Well, I think it's obviously as great a poverty as we've had in our country. I think that, considering we have a Gross National Product of some $700 billion and that we spend $75 billion on armaments and weapons, that you would think that [since] we spend almost $3 billion each year on dogs in the United States, as American citizens, that we could be doing more for those who are poor and, particularly, for our children.
ROGER WILKINS: Robert Kennedy became a man who was connected to the world's pain after his brother's death and he could learn about the world's pain.

FRED DUTTON, RFK Adviser: He was a person who was moving, who was growing very much. When he went down in the Mississippi Delta and he saw what real poverty among the blacks was, it had a huge emotional impact on him.

Sen. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY): I don't think it's satisfactory that that child is nine years old and doesn't go to school.

FRED DUTTON: The man was a public person. He was not just struggling in the wilderness of good works.

NARRATOR: Robert Kennedy had already left behind his father's views. Now, he had moved beyond his dead brother, too, bringing all of his old zeal to a new, risky kind of politics, mounting a liberal challenge to the liberal president of his own party.






